Wrapping Up Earth Week
Yesterday was the big day, but we can still continue to celebrate Earth.
Plastic products are all around us. It’s found in our homes, clothes, cars, yards, playgrounds, used to package our products and produce, and so on. We all know that plastics are harmful to the health of our planet, wildlife, and our even own health. But, in today’s world, it’s hard to escape the use of plastics, especially single-use plastic. And it’s okay, we are not perfect.
We don’t live in a world that is fully sustainable (yet!). However, we do have the power to make little changes to our relationship with single-use plastic products. This will look different for everyone – think about how you personally can reduce your plastic use that aligns with your individual lifestyle.
Today’s Earth Week activity is: Make a Plastic Swear Jar*
Remember when you were younger and maybe you accidentally (or purposefully) say a bad word and you would have to put x amount of money into a jar for it? That is exactly what we are going to be doing, but instead of swear words, it’s plastic.
Step 1: Create your Plastic Swear Jar
- Find a glass jar, vase, vessel, anything you can hold your “plastic swears”
- Decorate it!
Step 2: Keep track of all your “plastic swears” each day and put it in the jar.
- This could be in the form of IOU’s, coins, dollars, beans, beads, whatever you have on hand.
- Determine the monetary value of the item you are putting in the swear jar (ex: 1 bean= $1 or whatever feels fair to you).
- Your “plastic swears” also don’t have to be monetary. They could be notes like volunteer with a nonprofit or do something nice for your community when it is safe to do so. The options are endless!
Step 3: Decide how long you want to track your plastic use.
- Maybe it’s for a week, a month, a year! At the end of your allotted time, consider donating your “plastic swears” to a nonprofit/organization of your choice.
- It doesn’t have to be an environmental one, social justice is also climate justice. Pick something that speaks to you.
“Remember, this is not about being perfect. It is about raising our awareness so we can shift our behaviors. Awareness is the catalyst to change.” - Changing Tides Foundation
I would like to note that this is a challenging time for everyone. Please don’t feel pressured to donate your money if that is something that would cause you stress. With our health and wellbeing being a top priority, we are seeing an increase in single-use plastics (gloves, masks, bags, etc). Do what is right for you. The days of using our reusable items such as bags, jars, and coffee mugs will return. Let’s use this time to think about the ways we can create change.
My hope for this world is that we come out of this pandemic with a new sense of responsibility for Mother Earth. A large part of changing our plastic behaviors, will come from the people in power. Hopefully, they are also getting the message.
* The idea for this activity was inspired by Changing Tides Foundation “Plastic Swear Jar Challenge”
My Plastic Swear Jar